

Livros, Resenhas

Resenha: A Coroa, Kiera Cass

Em A Herdeira, o universo de A Seleção entrou numa nova era. Vinte anos se passaram desde que America Singer e o príncipe Maxon se apaixonaram, e a filha do casal é a primeira princesa a passar por sua própria seleção.
Eadlyn não acreditava que encontraria um companheiro entre os trinta e cinco pretendentes do concurso, muito menos o amor verdadeiro. Mas às vezes o coração prega peças… e agora Eadlyn precisa fazer uma escolha muito mais difícil – e importante – do que esperava.
America Singer e o Príncipe Maxon se apaixonaram, e a filha do casal é a primeira princesa a passar por sua própria seleção.
Eadlyn não acreditava que encontraria um companheiro entre os trinta e cinco pretendentes do concurso, muito menos o amor verdadeiro. Mas às vezes o coração prega peças… e agora Eadlyn precisa fazer uma escolha muito mais difícil – e importante – do que esperava.

Inicialmente criada para ser uma trilogia, A Seleção conquistou milhares de leitores pelo mundo todo. Tantos que, mesmo após o fim da seleção que levaria Maxon a escolher sua noiva, a autora Kiera Cass resolveu nos levar para dentro de mais uma Seleção, agora a da filha de Maxon, Eadlyn Schreave.

Ao iniciarmos A Herdeira nos deparamos com algo totalmente inesperado, a personalidade marcante de Eadlyn. Diferentemente de seu pai, Eadlyn é completamente segura de si, egocêntrica e orgulhosa. É possível vermos muitos traços do seu avô, o falecido Rei Clarkson.

“— (…) Porque, afinal, quem é você?
— Sou Eadlyn Schreave, e nenhuma pessoa no mundo é mais poderosa do que eu.”

Esse foi um dos principais pontos que fez muita gente detestar essa nova parte da história de Illéa. No entanto, A Coroa que viria a ser a sequência que encerraria a história veio para nos mostrar uma nova Eadlyn completamente diferente da que conhecemos no inicio de A Herdeira.

Totalmente abalada pelo estado grave em que sua mãe se encontra, Eadlyn agora se encontra ainda mais em um momento decisivo de sua vida. Antes sob a pressão de ter que participar de uma Seleção e escolher seu marido, agora ela terá que fazer isso e muito mais. A jovem princesa agora terá que ficar momentaneamente governando o país enquanto seu pai permanece do lado de America.

Como se não bastassem todos esses conflitos, uma ameaça ao governo de Eadlyn surge e ela precisa mais do que nunca buscar uma forma para ser aceita e amada pelo seu povo que a rejeita. Com isso, ela precisa encerrar o mais rápido a Seleção, mas como ela fará isso e ainda assim conseguir escolher a pessoa certa para passar o resto da vida ao seu lado?

A autora Kiera Cass nos jogou no meio de um drama como nunca havia feito antes. Foi surpreendente como ela construiu a evolução pessoal da jovem Eadlyn. Nós acompanhamos enquanto ela deixava de ser uma princesa mimada e se tornava a jovem Rainha Eadlyn Schreave e, claro, pudemos ver também ela descobrir que poderia sim ser uma grande Rainha e ter o amor de um marido.

Infelizmente, a autora cometeu alguns erros, o principal deles foi a pressa para terminar o livro. Talvez ela estivesse sob pressão para concluir e publicar logo ele, isso acontece com muitos autores, mas o caso é que ao nos aproximarmos do fim da história ficou perceptível que ficou tudo muito corrido. Vimos Eadlyn fazer sua escolha, encerrar a Seleção, ser coroada rainha e ainda apresentar uma solução para os conflitos de um país pós-castas em pouquíssimas páginas.

Entretanto, mesmo com essa falha, o final foi imensamente satisfatório para mim. Kiera nos surpreendeu completamente com a escolha feita por Eadlyn e isso foi maravilhoso, mesmo sabendo que muitos fãs da saga a odiariam por ela não ter escolhido aquele que todos queriam. Isso só fez aumentar ainda mais minha admiração pela autora, pois ela encerrou da forma que ELA achava correto, ela não se deixou influenciar pelos fãs e deu o final que todos queriam. Ela seguiu seu coração e concluiu da forma que achava correto. É claro que os fãs merecem ser ouvidos também, mas uma coisa é você dar sugestões de como deveria terminar, outra totalmente diferente é você querer impor a sua decisão de como a história deveria acabar sobre a escritora.

No mais, a história iniciada lá em 2012 com A Seleção não poderia receber um final melhor. O livro me rendeu uns bons momentos de risadas, mas também me tirou muitas lágrimas. Foi difícil chegar ao fim, mas o momento chegou e só nos restou fechar o livro com um aperto no coração e dar nosso adeus para Illéa.

Livros, Resenhas

Resenha: Deadpool – A Guerra de Wade Wilson, Duane Swierczynski & Jason Pearson

“Arrastado ao Senado dos Estados Unidos para explicar sua participação em um massacre que deixou centenas de mortos no México, Deadpool está prestes a revelar muito mais do que qualquer um poderia esperar! Embarque numa viagem ao pervertido passado do Mercenário Tagarela à medida que ele mesmo escancara detalhes de sua incrível origem. Mas será a verdade ou um amontoado de mentiras delirantes? Francamente, quem se importa? Com certeza, não o próprio Deadpool!”

Um dos personagens mais loucos a surgir na Marvel, Deadpool reuniu uma legião de fãs desde a sua estreia, em 1991. Suas características foram um verdadeiro sopro de ar fresco para época, contrastando em um cenário repleto de anti-heróis sombrios e silenciosos, a mistura de comédia-pastelão com ação exagerada de Deadpool converteu a série em um cultuado clássico.

O roteiro criado por Swierczynski é quase um resumo completo do perfil do personagem, repleto de violência gratuita, piadas visuais e frases de efeito “inspiradoras”, a história é uma imagem do próprio narrador, desarticulada, ou seja, no melhor estilo Deadpool. Jason também faz um grande trabalho na arte, tornando clara a distinção entre passado e presente.

Wade Wilson foi arrastado pelo governo até o senado para explicar sua participação em um massacre ocorrido no México, mesmo estando sobre a mira de inúmeros fuzis, como era de se esperar, ele não mantêm uma postura séria. No início do interrogatório, ele logo começa a falar sobre um grupo secreto de operações especiais do qual ele fazia parte, que também contava com a presença de Dominó, Mercenário e Silver Sable, todos altamente treinados e especialistas em assassinatos.

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Em meio a explicação, ele é questionado pelo senador sobre seu passado, imediatamente ele começa a discorrer sobre como chegou até ali e como conseguiu àquela aparência, não sendo muito convincente. Durante todo o tempo algemado e sob a mira de várias armas, Deadpool não se contem, atirando piadas a cada quadro, ele terá que pensar rápido antes que tudo saia de controle.

“Deadpool – A Guerra de Wade Wilson”, é uma festa de piadas e violência, o leitor irá se surpreender, rir e chorar com Deadpool, um personagem único e querido por muitos fãs da Marvel. Sua história responde a muitas perguntas, deixando inclusive espaço para interpretação, e neste caso, só lendo para entender.

Atualizações, Livros

Novidades sobre “Tales of the Peculiar” de Ransom Riggs

No dia 15 de abril o site The Guardian anunciou o lançamento de um novo livro do universo de “O Orfanato da Srta. Peregrine para crianças peculiares”(que inclusive já foi resenhado aqui).Tales of the Peculiar”, (Contos dos Peculiares, em tradução livre) será um livro com 10 contos da mitologia da série, que guardam segredos do mundo peculiar. “Tales of the Peculiar”, disse Riggs, é um elemento da trama crucial no seu segundo livro, Cidade dos Etéreos – “um grande e pesado, livro muito antigo dos contos de fadas amados pelas crianças peculiares – tão amado, de fato, que é um dos poucos itens que escolhem salvar do orfanato da Srta. Peregrine no final do primeiro livro“.


Pois bem, trazemos para vocês agora um trecho de um desses 10 contos, intitulado  “The Splendid Cannibals”. E não apenas isso, temos também os títulos dos outros 9 contos presentes em “Tales of The Peculiar” que são: “The Fork-Tongued Princess”, “The First Ymbryne”, “The Woman Who Befriended Ghosts”, “Cocobolo”, “The Pigeons of Saint Paul’s”, “The Girl Who Could Tame Nightmares”, “The Locust”, “The Boy Who Could Hold Back the Sea”, “The Tale of Cuthbert”.

“Tales of the Peculiar” será lançado em 6 de setembro de 2016.

Você pode conferir o trecho original em inglês de “The Splendid Cannibals” abaixo:

The peculiars in the village of Swampmuck lived very modestly. They were farmers, and though they didn’t own fancy things and lived in flimsy houses made of reeds, they were healthy and joyful and wanted for little. Food grew bountifully in their gardens, clean water ran in the streams, and even their humble homes seemed like luxuries because the weather in Swampmuck was so fair, and the villagers were so devoted to their work that many, after a long day of mucking, would simply lie down and sleep in their swamps.

Harvest was their favourite time of year. Working round the clock, they gathered the best weeds that had grown in the swamp that season, bundled them onto donkey carts, and drove their bounty to the market town of Chipping Whippet, a five days’ ride, to sell what they could. It was difficult work. The swampweed was rough and tore their hands. The donkeys were ill-tempered and liked to bite. The road to market was pitted with holes and plagued by thieves. There were often grievous accidents, such as when Farmer Pullman, in a fit of overzealous harvesting, accidentally scythed off his neighbor’s leg. The neighbor, Farmer Hayworth, was understandably upset, but the villagers were such agreeable people that all was soon forgiven. The money they earned at market was paltry but enough to buy necessities and some rations of goat-rump besides, and with that rare treat as their centerpiece they threw a raucous festival that went on for days.

That very year, just after the festival had ended and the villagers were about to return to their toil in the swamps, three visitors arrived. Swampmuck rarely had visitors of any kind, as it was not the sort of place people wanted to visit, and it had certainly never had visitors like these: two men and a lady dressed head to toe in lush brocaded silk, riding on the backs of three fine Arabian horses. But though the visitors were obviously rich, they looked emaciated and swayed weakly in their bejeweled saddles.

The villagers gathered around them curiously, marveling at their beautiful clothes and horses. “Don’t get too close!” Farmer Sally warned. “They look as if they might be sick.”

“We’re on a journey to the coast of Meek,” explained one of the visitors, a man who seemed to be the only one strong enough to speak. “We were accosted by bandits some weeks ago, and, though we were able to outrun them, we got badly lost. We’ve been turning circles ever since, looking for the old Roman Road.”

“You’re nowhere near the Roman Road,” said Farmer Sally. “Or the coast of Meek,” said Farmer Pullman.
“How far is it?” the visitor asked.
“Six days’ ride,” answered Farmer Sally.

“We’ll never make it,” the man said darkly.
At that, the silk-robed lady slumped in her saddle and fell to the ground.

The villagers, moved to compassion despite their concerns about disease, brought the fallen lady and her companions into the nearest house. They were given water and made comfortable in beds of straw, and a dozen villagers crowded around them offering help.

“Give them space!” said Farmer Pullman. “They’re exhausted; they need rest!” “No, they need a doctor!” said Farmer Sally.

“We aren’t sick,” the man said. “We’re hungry. Our supplies ran out over a week ago, and we haven’t had a bite to eat since then.”

Farmer Sally wondered why such wealthy people hadn’t simply bought food from fellow travellers on the road, but she was too polite to ask. Instead, she ordered some village boys to run and fetch bowls of swampweed soup and millet bread and what little goat-rump was left over from the festival — but when it was laid before the visitors, they turned the food away.

“I don’t mean to be rude,” said the man, “but we can’t eat this.”

“I know it’s a humble spread,” said Farmer Sally, “and you’re probably used to feasts fit for kings, but it’s all we have.”

“It isn’t that,” the man said. “Grains, vegetables, animal meat — our bodies simply can’t process them. And if we force ourselves to eat, it will only make us weaker.”

The villagers were confused. “If you can’t eat grains, vegetables, or animals,” asked Farmer Pullman, “then what can you eat?”

“People,” the man replied.
Everyone in the small house took a step back from the visitors. “You mean to tell us you’re . . . cannibals?” said Farmer Hayworth. “By nature, not by choice,” the man replied. “But, yes.”

He went on to reassure the shocked villagers that they were civilized cannibals and never killed innocent people. They, and others like them, had worked out an arrangement with the king by which they agreed never to kidnap and eat people against their will, and in turn they were allowed to purchase, at terrific expense, the severed limbs of accident victims and the bodies of hanged criminals. This comprised the entirety of their diet. They were now on their way to the coast of Meek because it was the place in Britain which boasted both the highest rate of accidents and the most deaths by hanging, and so food was relatively abundant — if not exactly plentiful.

Even though cannibals in those days were wealthy, they nearly always went hungry; firmly law-abiding, they were doomed to live lives of perpetual undernourishment, forever tormented by an appetite they could rarely satisfy. And it seemed that the cannibals who had arrived in Swampmuck, already starving and many days from Meek, were now doomed to die.

Having learned all this, the people of any other village, peculiar or otherwise, probably would have shrugged their shoulders and let the cannibals starve. But the Swampmuckians were compassionate almost to a fault, and so no one was surprised when Farmer Hayworth took a step forward, hobbling on crutches, and said, “It just so happens that I lost my leg in an accident a few days ago. I tossed it into the swamp, but I’m sure I could find it again, if the eels haven’t eaten it yet.”





Resenha: Dama da meia-noite, Cassandra Clare

Em um mundo secreto onde guerreiros meio-anjo juraram lutar contra demônios, parabatai é uma palavra sagrada. O parabatai é o seu parceiro na batalha. O parabatai é seu melhor amigo. Parabatai pode ser tudo para o outro – mas eles nunca podem se apaixonar.

Emma Carstairs é uma Caçadora de Sombras, uma em uma longa linhagem de Caçadores de Sombras encarregados de protegerem o mundo de demônios. Com seu parabatai Julian Blackthorn, ela patrulha as ruas de uma Los Angeles escondida onde os vampiros fazem festa na Sunset Strip, e fadas estão à beira de uma guerra aberta com os Caçadores de Sombras. Quando corpos de seres humanos e fadas começam a aparecer mortos da mesma forma que os pais de Emma foram assassinados anos atrás, uma aliança é formada. Esta é a chance de Emma de vingança – e a possibilidade de Julian ter de volta seu meio-irmão fada, Mark, que foi sequestrado há cinco anos. Tudo que Emma, Mark e Julian tem a fazer é resolver os assassinatos dentro de duas semanas … antes que o assassino coloque eles na mira. Suas buscas levam Emma de cavernas no mar cheias de magia para uma loteria sombria onde a morte é dispensada. Enquanto ela vai descobrindo seu passado, ela começa a confrontar os segredos do presente: O que Julian vem escondendo dela todos esses anos? Por que a Lei Shadowhunter proíbe parabatais de se apaixonarem? Quem realmente matou seus pais – e ela pode suportar saber a verdade?

A magia e aventura das Crônicas dos Caçadores de Sombras tem capturado a imaginação de milhões de leitores em todo o mundo. Apaixone-se com Emma e seus amigos neste emocionante e de cortar o coração no volume que pretende deliciar tantos novos leitores como os fãs de longa data.

Depois de dois anos sem nenhuma produção, Cassandra Clare volta com tudo. Quando terminei “Princesa Mecânica”, nunca imaginei que a autora conseguiria criar uma história melhor ou uma que eu me apegasse tanto. Hoje, felizmente, venho retirar tudo que eu disse e declarar publicamente meu amor pela nova saga da autora: Dama da Meia-noite, o primeiro livro da série Os Artifícios das Trevas.

Primeiramente, vamos recapitular os acontecimentos de Cidade de Fogo Celestial: os pais de Emma Carstairs foram assassinados durante a Guerra Maligna e, enquanto a Clave culpava Sebastian pelas mortes, a garota sempre duvidou e fez sua própria investigação. No mesmo dia, o pai de Julian foi transformado em um dos Crepusculares e foi morto pelo próprio garoto para salvar seus irmãos. Com tudo que aconteceu, Julian foi obrigado a assumir o papel de pai e mãe dos irmãos, e Emma se tornou parte dessa família tão machucada pela guerra.

Amigos desde crianças e ainda mais unidos pela dor e sofrimento causados pela Guerra Maligna, Emma e Julian se aproximam cada vez mais, se tornam Parabatai e juntos criam os irmãos menores de Julian: Livvy e Ty, Dru e o pequeno Tavvy. Não é segredo pra ninguém – pelo menos pra quem leu Cidade do Fogo Celestial ou a sinopse – que Emma e Julian são parabatai que apaixonados um pelo outro. Mas a lei sobre parabatai é clara: eles nunca devem se apaixonar.

Gostei bastante do casal protagonista. Na verdade, eu já gostava de Emma desde o final de Cidade de Fogo Celestial. Aquela menina que luta pelo que acredita e não se deixa levar pelo que os outros pensam! Precisamos cada vez mais de mocinhas assim #ficadica. Mas quem me conquistou nessa leitura foi Julian. Forçado a deixar sua juventude de lado em prol da sua família, ele nos encanta com o cuidado e amor pelos seus irmãos a cada capítulo.

“Quando você ama alguém, a pessoa se torna parte de quem você é. Está presente em tudo que você faz (…) O toque dela fica na sua pele, a voz permanece em seus ouvidos, e, os pensamentos, na sua cabeça. Você conhece os sonhos da pessoa, porque os pesadelos agridem o seu coração, e os sonhos bons também são seus. E você não acha que a pessoa é perfeita, mas conhece os defeitos dela, sua verdade profunda e as sombras de todos os segredos que ela carrega, e esses segredos não te assustam; na verdade fazem com que você ame ainda mais, porque você não quer perfeição. Você quer a pessoa.”

Embora essa seja a temática principal da leitura: o coração dividido dos personagens, a confusão entre até onde é amizade e quando começou a ser amor, não é só de amores proibidos que se trata Dama da Meia-noite, e esse é um dos meus grandes elogios a série. Todos esses sentimentos confusos e novas descobertas vão se desenvolvendo junto a uma emocionante busca sobre a verdade dos assassinatos dos pais de Emma e sua relação com novos assassinatos que vem ocorrendo na região. E peço licensa para comentar que nem todos os meus anos de Criminal Case, C.S.I., Bones, Castle e The Mentalist não foram suficientes para eu sequer imaginar quem era o verdadeiro assassino! O livro consegue unir a dose perfeita de suspense, ação e romance, não deixando espaços pra críticas.

Também me surpreendi com a explicação sobre porque parabatais não podem ficar juntos. Achei que seria uma lei completamente despropositada e sem sentido, mas ela foi muito bem formulada e achei uma explicação maravilhosa. Ainda não sei como Emma e Julian vão lidar com isso nos próximos livros, mas já estou bem ansiosa pra descobrir!

Os fãs das séries anteriores também não ficarão decepcionados: são constantes as participações de Clary e Jacy e Jem e Tessa (saudades, Will). É estranho ver nosso personagens antes adolescentes impulsivos hoje adultos e responsáveis, dando conselhos sábios para os novos protagonistas! Vou parando por aqui para evitar spoilers, mas a mensagem que quero deixar é: não deixem de ler essa nova maravilha que Cassie preparou pra nós! <3

P.S. Minha única crítica ao livro é o tamanho! Eu amo livros grandes, porque eles significam que ainda temos muitas histórias pra ler <3 mas essas 560 páginas (+ o capítulo extra de Clary e Jace) pesavam minha mão na hora de ler (pontos pros kindles e kobos da vida).

Atualizações, Livros

J.K. Rowling ajuda fã de “Harry Potter” a superar depressão

A rainha J.K. Rowling, autora da série Harry Potter, emocionou vários de seus fãs no Twitter recentemente, quando comoveu-se com a história de Kate, uma leitora que está lutando contra a depressão. A garota pediu à autora para que escrevesse o feitiço Expecto Patronum com sua letra, para que pudesse tatuar em seu corpo.

Na série, o feitiço era bastante utilizado para afastar os Dementadores, criaturas malignas, que sugavam a felicidade das pessoas ao redor, que foram criadas por Rowling, como uma alusão à depressão.

“Eu amo o fato de você estar trabalhando em se curar e se proteger. Você merece. Espero que isso ajude.”, disse a autora, ao postar uma foto com o feitiço escrito.


Resenha: Veronika Decide Morrer, Paulo Coelho

Paulo Coelho nos conta uma história intrigante, a história de Veronika, que no auge dos seus 24 anos, se sentia dentro de tudo que queria: beleza, emprego, família, eis que no dia 11 de novembro de 1997 toma a decisão de tomar alguns comprimidos e acabar com a sua vida.
Mas essa tentativa não teve sucesso, Veronika é acordada no sanatório de Villete, na Eslovênia, onde recebe a notícia que só lhe restaram alguns dias de vida, então, ela passa a conhecer cada pessoa que frequentava a clínica onde fora internada.
O autor coloca cada personagem de um jeito muito singular, e é engraçado como a maioria dos personagens, após serem internados decidem ficar lá pelo resto de seus dias. Enquanto lemos as descrições dos pacientes, ou até a ordem sequencial dos acontecimentos chegamos a questionamentos como: Qual é o verdadeiro significado de loucura? Por que consideramos algumas pessoas loucas? Qual é o real objetivo de um sanatório?
Daniel Pereira
Entre as histórias mais interessantes destacaremos a de Zedka, uma depressiva internada em Villete que aponta de frente os questionamentos já citados para Veronika. Onde até indaga ela qual seria o lado ruim de ser louca, quebrando uma série de preconceitos que a própria personagem tinha, e que podemos nos deparar diariamente quando abordamos tais assuntos.
A personagem que mais me chamou atenção foi Mari, uma mulher que sofria de síndrome do pânico, sua vida fora mudada drasticamente após ser internada, a vida de sua família continuou apesar de sem ela, o que fez a mulher que já havia certa idade decidir continuar no sanatório, por lá ser o lugar onde sua vida seria mais fácil.
Eduard, um jovem esquizofrênico desperta sentimentos em Verônika durante a trama
“(…)-Eu vim a este mundo para passar por tudo o que passei, tentar o suicídio, destruir meu coração, encontrar você, subir até este castelo e deixar que você gravasse meu rosto em sua alma”
O romance dos dois é uma coisa improvável apesar dos sentimentos de Verônika, mas considerei muito bem colocado a maneira em que Paulo Coelho desenvolve essa história.
Em um contexto geral, a história nos passa uma ideia muito diferente do que geralmente temos sobre um sanatório, esse livro é muito recomendado para as pessoas que têm interesse sobre esse assunto, mas é também um livro que toda estante deveria ter, pois o preconceito quebrado ao decorrer das 208 páginas do romance nos faz repensar sobre diversas situações em que julgamos mal o que vemos.

Atualizações, Livros

As possíveis Quatro Casas de Ilvermorny, a Hogwarts Norte-Americana

Um homem está divulgando que ele descobriu as quatro casas de Ilvermorny, a Hogwarts Norte-Americana, cuja existência foi anunciada por J. K. Rowling alguns meses atrás. Federico Ian Cervantez encontrou uma falha no site Pottermore e parece que, eventualmente, haverá algum tipo de Página Triagem ou teste para ver a qual casa os estudantes da escola e até mesmo fãs de Harry Potter pertencem, a julgar pela codificação. Intitulado “Onde você pertence? Horned Serpent, Wampus, Thunderbird ou Pukwudgie”.

Há uma suposta imagem do javascript no Hypable, onde o autor Andrew Sims também olhou para cada um desses nomes e descobriu que eles são, na verdade, criaturas do folclore nativo-americano – o que faz bastante sentido comparado a decisão de Rowling de se concentrar nas origens nativo-americanas para a explicação da magia no mundo mágico americano, apesar da preocupação de que isso seja apropriação cultural. As perguntas do questionário, nem os resultados aparecem na imagem do javascript, então não há nenhuma palavra ainda sobre o que cada uma dessas “casas” (se é que isso seja mesmo como eles são chamados em Ilvermorny) vai significar sobre os seus ocupantes. Ainda assim, ao examinar as criaturas, você pode ter algumas suposições razoáveis – especialmente porque, ao se aprofundar na pesquisa, você achar que as criaturas correspondem aos quatro elementos principais: terra, fogo, água e ar.

Horned Serpent (água)

A Horned Serpent (literalmente, uma Serpente de Chifres) é uma criatura presente em algumas mitologias norte-americanas, principalmente nas áreas de Floresta do Sudeste e dos Grande Lagos; em algumas tribos, acreditava-se que a criatura mítica era associada a água, chuva, raio/trovão. A água é o elemento mais estreitamente alinhado com a compaixão, amor, cura e psiquismo, isso pode ser a casa para os alunos mais empáticas – isto é, a Lufa-Lufa;

Wampus (Terra)

O Wampus (normalmente chamado de Wampus Cat; ou seja, Gato Wampus), é uma criatura da mitologia Cherokee descrita normalmente como uma puma apavorante. Como o elemento terra está associado à prosperidade, riqueza, força e morte, podemos concluir que esta é a casa mais semelhante a Sonserina, onde a ambição é muito valorizada;

Thunderbird (Ar)

O Thunderbird também é uma criatura do folclore dos índios norte-americanos, particularmente das tribos do Sudoeste, dos Grandes Lagos e das Grandes Planícies; seu nome se traduz literalmente para Pássaro do Trovão e é descrito como um pássaro sobrenatural de poder e força. É especialmente importante e mencionado na arte, nas músicas, em narrativas orais e em histórias de várias culturas da Costa Pacífica do Noroeste. O elemento ar está mais alinhado com a comunicação, viagens e intelecto, por isso pode ser seguro dizer que J.K. Rowling planeja ter a casa Thunderbird como equivalente a Ravenclaw (especialmente vendo como seus mascotes são muito semelhantes);

Pukwudgie (Fogo)

Um Pukwudgie (sem tradução, provavelmente seu nome é derivado de um idioma local), é uma criatura que se assemelha a um troll que mede entre 60 e 90 cm de altura e pertence ao folclore dos Wampanoag. Os Pukwudgies parecem humanos, mas têm narizes, dedos e orelhas aumentados. A pele deles é descrita como sendo cinzenta e, por algumas descrições, brilhante. Vendo como o fogo está associada com paixão, desejo, energia e força, isso pode ser o equivalente a Grifinória em Ilvermorny.


Claro, isso tudo pode ser um grande absurdo, porque não há nenhuma maneira de verificarmos nada disto antes que seja divulgado pelo Pottermore. No entanto, tudo isso parece estar em sincronia com os planos de J.K. Rowling para a magia na América do Norte (mesmo que as pessoas tenham receio sobre a apropriação cultural da mitologia indígena americana). Nenhuma palavra ainda sobre quando, ou se o teste vai mesmo existir, foi dada, mas tenho certeza que tudo será revelado no seu devido tempo.

Atualizações, Livros

Cassandra Clare revela capa e sinopse de “The Bronze Key”

Cassandra Clare revelou ontem em sua conta no instagram a capa do 3º livro da série Magisterium:The Bronze Key (“A Chave de Bronze” em tradução livre), juntamente com a sinopse do livro.

“A capa de Magisterium 3: A Chave de Bronze! Eu estou tão ansiosa pra vocês poderem ler esse livro que vai mostrar a direção do resto do resto da série e o destino de Call, Tamara e Aaron.” disse Clare na postagem.

Abaixo você pode conferir a capa e a sinopse do livro:


Mágica pode te salvar.

Mágica pode te matar.

Os estudantes da Magisterium deveriam estar supostamente salvos. Sob o olhar cuidado dos magos, eles são ensinando a usar magia para trazer ordem a um mundo caótico.

Mas agora o caos está lutando de volta.

Call, Tamara e Aaron deveriam se preocupar com, provas e disputas mágicas, ou coisas do tipo. Em vez disso, depois da morte chocante de um dos seus colegas de classe, eles têm que rastrear um assassino sinistro… e arriscar suas próprias vidas no processo.

Assim Call, Tamara e Aaron descobrem que mágica só pode ser boa de acordo com a pessoa que a pratica. Em mãos más, tem a capacidade infinita de machucar – a menos que seja impedida a tempo.

Nesse surpreendente terceiro livro de “Magisterium”, as autoras líderes de vendas Holly Black e Cassandra Clare nos presenteiam com uma escola aonde tudo – o bom e o mal – pode acontecer, e o único jeito de descobrir a verdade é arriscar tudo para encontrá-la.”

A saga “Magisterium” teve seu primeiro livro, “O Desafio de Ferro”, publicado pelo selo Irado da Novo Conceito, já a sequência, “A Luva de Cobre” , foi publicado pela Galera Record que adquiriu os direitos sobre o resto da saga.

“A Chave de Bronze” está previsto para ser lançado em 30 de agosto nas livrarias estadunienses.


Episode 6 scene 20
Atualizações, Filmes, Livros

George R.R. Martin libera capítulo de “The Winds of Winter”

George R.R. Martin divulgou um capítulo deThe Winds of Winter” para a horda de fãs ansiosos pelo tão esperado sexto livro do autor. Contado a partir da perspectiva da Princesa Arianne Martell, o trecho a mostra viajando pelo campo e relatando as notícias que recolhe para seu pai, o príncipe Doran Martell de Dorne.

O autor já havia revelado no início deste ano que ele seria incapaz de completar o sexto livro de As Crônicas de Gelo e Fogo antes da estreia da sexta temporada de Game of Thrones que aconteceu no ultimo dia 24 de abril.

“Sim, há muita coisa escrita. Centenas de páginas. Dezenas de capítulos. Mas há também uma grande quantidade para escrever. Estou meses longe ainda… e isso é, se a escrita for bem.” disse ele em janeiro.

Você pode conferir o capítulo original em inglês abaixo:

All along the south coast of Cape Wrath rose crumbling stone watchtowers, raised in ancient days to give warning of Dornish raiders stealing in across the sea. Villages had grown up about the towers. A few had flowered into towns.

The Peregrine made port at the Weeping Town, where the corpse of the Young Dragon had once lingered for three days on its journey home from Dorne. The banners flapping from the town’s stout wooden walls still displayed King Tommen’s stag-and-lion, suggesting that here at least the writ of the Iron Throne might still hold sway. “Guard your tongues,” Arianne warned her company as they disembarked. “It would be best if King’s Landing never knew we’d passed this way.” Should Lord Connington’s rebellion be put down, it would go ill for them if it was known that Dorne had sent her to treat with him and his pretender. That was another lesson that her father had taken pains to teach her; choose your side with care, and only if they have the chance to win.

They had no trouble buying horses, though the cost was five times what it would have been last year. “They’re old, but sound,” claimed the hostler. “you’ll not find better this side of Storm’s End. The griffin’s men seize every horse and mule they come upon. Oxen too. Some will make a mark upon a paper if you ask for payment, but there’s others who would just as soon cut your belly open and pay you with a handful of your own guts. If you come on any such, mind your tongues and give the horses up.”

The town was large enough to support three inns, and all their common rooms were rife with rumors. Arianne sent her men into each of them, to hear what they might hear. In the Broken Shield, Daemon Sand was told that the great septry on the Holf of Men had been burned and looted by raiders from the sea, and a hundred young novices from the motherhouse on Maiden Isle carried off into slavery. In the Loon, Joss Hood learned that half a hundred men and boys from the Weeping Town had set off north to join Jon Connington at Griffin’s Roost, including young Ser Addam, old Lord Whitehead’s son and heir. But in the aptly named Drunken Dornishman, Feathers heard men muttering that the griffin had put Red Ronnet’s brother to death and raped his maiden sister. Ronnet himself was said to be rushing south to avenge his brother’s death and his sister’s dishonor.

That night Arianne dispatched the first of her ravens back to Dorne, reporting to her father on all they’d seen and heard. The next morning her company set out for Mistwood, as the first rays of the rising sun were slanting through the peaked roofs and crooked alleys of the Weeping Town. By midmorning a light rain began to fall, as they were making their way north through a land of green fields and little villages. As yet, they had seen no signs of fighting, but all the other travelers along the rutted road seemed to be going in the other direction, and the women in the villages they passed gazed at them with wary eyes and kept their children close. Further north, the fields gave way to rolling hills and thick groves of old forest, the road dwindled to a track, and villages became less common.

Dusk found them on the fringes of the rainwood, a wet green world where brooks and rivers ran through dark forests and the ground was made of mud and rotting leaves. Huge willows grew along the watercourses, larger than any that Arianne had ever seen, their great trunks as gnarled and twisted as an old man’s face and festooned with beards of silvery moss. Trees pressed close on every side, shutting out the sun; hemlock and red cedars, white oaks, soldier pines that stood as tall and straight as towers, colossal sentinels, big-leaf maples, redwoods, wormtrees, even here and there a wild weirwood. Underneath their tangled branches ferns and flowers grew in profusion; sword ferns, lady ferns, bellflowers and piper’s lace, evening stars and poison kisses, liverwort, lungwort, hornwort. Mushrooms sprouted down amongst the tree roots, and from their trunks as well, pale spotted hands that caught the rain. Other trees were furred with moss, green or grey or red-tailed, and once a vivid purple. Lichens covered every rock and stone. Toadstools festered besides rotting logs. The very air seemed green.

Arianne had once heard her father and Maester Caleotte arguing with a septon about why the north and south sides of the Sea of Dorne were so different. The septon thought it was because of Durran Godsgrief, the first Storm King, who had stolen the daughter of the sea god and the goddess of the wind and earned their eternal emnity. Prince Doran and the maester inclined more toward wind and water, and spoke of how the big storms that formed down in the Summer Sea would pick up moisture moving north until they slammed into Cape Wrath. For some strange reason the storms never seemed to strike at Dorne, she recalled her father saying.   “I know your reason,” the septon had responded.  “No Dornishmen ever stole away the daughter of two gods.”

The going was much slower here than it had been in Dorne. Instead of proper roads, they rode down crookback slashes that snaked this way and that, through clefts in huge moss-covered rocks and down deep ravines choked with blackberry brambles. Sometimes the track petered out entirely, sinking into bogs or vanishing amongst the ferns, leaving Arianne and her companions to find their own way amongst the silent trees. The rain still fell, soft and steady. The sound of moisture dripping off the leaves was all around them, and every mile or so the music of another little waterfall would call to them.

The wood was full of caves as well. That first night they took shelter in one of them, to get out of the wet. In Dorne they had often travelled after dark, when the moonlight turned the blowing sands to silver, but the rainwood was too full of bogs, ravines, and sinkholes, and black as pitch beneath the trees, where the moon was just a memory.

Feathers made a fire and cooked a brace of hares that Ser Garibald had taken with some wild onions and mushrooms he had found along the road. After they ate, Elia Sand turned a stick and some dry moss into a torch, and went off exploring deeper in the cave.   “See that you do not go too far,” Arianne told her.   “Some of these caves go very deep, it is easy to get lost.”

The princess lost another game of cyvasse to Daemon Sand, won one from Joss Hood, then retired as the two of them began to teach Jayne Ladybright the rules. She was tired of such games.

Nyrn and Tyene may have reached King’s Landing by now, she mused, as she settled down crosslegged by the mouth of the cave to watch the falling rain. If not they ought to be there soon. Three hundred seasoned spears had gone with them, over the Boneway, past the ruins of Summerhall, and up the kingsroad. If the Lannisters had tried to spring their little trap in the kingswood, Lady Nym would have seen that it ended in disaster. Nor would the murderers have found their prey. Prince Trystane had remained safely back at Sunspear, after a tearful parting from Princess Myrcella. That accounts for one brother, thought Arianne, but where is Quentyn, if not with the griffin? Had he wed his dragon queen? King Quentyn. It still sounded silly. This new Daenerys Targaryen was younger than Arianne by half a dozen years. What would a maid that age want with her dull, bookish brother? Young girls dreamed of dashing knights with wicked smiles, not solemn boys who always did their duty. She will want Dorne, though. If she hopes to sit the Iron Throne, she must have Sunspear. If Quentyn was the price for that, this dragon queen would pay it. What if she was at Griffin’s End with Connington, and all this about another Targaryen was just some sort of subtle ruse? Her brother could well be with her. King Quentyn. Will I need to kneel to him? 

No good would come of wondering about it. Quentyn would be king or he would not. I pray Daenerys treats him him more gently than she did her own brother.

It was time to sleep. They had long leagues to ride upon the morrow. It was only as she settled down that Arianne realized Elia Sand had not returned from her explorations. Her sisters will kill me seven different ways if anything has happened to her. Jayne Ladybright swore that the girl had never left the cave, which meant that she was still back there somewhere, wandering through the dark. When their shouts did not bring her forth, there was nothing to do but make torches and go in search of her.

The cave proved much deeper than any of them had suspected. Beyond the stony mouth where her company had made their camp and hobbled their horses, a series of twisty passageways led down and down, with black holes snaking off to either side. Further in, the walls opened up again, and the searchers found themselves in a vast limestone cavern, larger than the great hall of a castle. Their shouts disturbed a nest of bats, who flapped about them noisily, but only distant echoes shouted back. A slow circuit of the hall revealed three further passages, one so small that it would have required them to proceed on hands and knees. “We will try the others first,” the princess said. “Daemon, come with me. Garibald, Joss, you try the other one.”

The passageway Arianne had chosen for herself turned steep and wet within a hundred feet. The footing grew uncertain. Once she slipped, and had to catch herself to keep from sliding. More than once she considered turning back, but she could see Ser Daemon’s torch ahead and hear him calling for Elia, so she pressed on. And all at once she found herself in another cavern, five times as big as the last one, surrounded by a forest of stone columns. Daemon Sand moved to her side and raised his torch. “Look how the stone’s been shaped,” he said. “Those columns, and the wall there. See them?”

“Faces,” said Arianne. So many sad eyes, staring.

“This place belonged to the children of the forest.”

“A thousand years ago.” Arianne turned her head. “Listen. Is that Joss?”

It was. The other searchers had found Elia, as she and Daemon learned after they made their way back up the slippery slope to the last hall. Their passageway led down to a still black pool, where they discovered the girl up to her waist in water, catching blind white fish with her bare hands, her torch burning red and smoky in the sand where she had planted it.

“You could have died,” Arianne told her, when she’d heard the tale. She grabbed Elia by the arm and shook her. “If that torch had gone out you would have been alone in the dark, as good as blind. What did you think that you were doing?”

“I caught two fish,” said Elia Sand.

You could have died,” said Arianne again. Her words echoed off the cavern walls. “…died… died … died…”

 Later, when they had made their back to the surface and her anger had cooled, the princess took the girl aside and sat her down. “Elia, this must end,” she told her. “We are not in Dorne now. You are not with your sisters, and this is not a game. I want your word that you will play the maidservant until we are safely back at Sunspear. I want you meek and mild and obedient. You need to hold your tongue. I’ll hear no more talk of Lady Lance or jousting, no mention of your father or your sisters. The men that I must treat with are sellswords. Today they serve this man who calls himself Jon Connington, but come the morrow they could just as easily serve the Lannisters. All it takes to win a sellsword’s heart is gold, and casterly Rock does not lack for that. If the wrong man should learn who you are, you could be seized and held for ransom–“

“No,” Elia broke in. “You’re the one they’ll want to ransom. You’re the heir to Dorne, I’m just a bastard girl. Your father would give a chest of gold for you. My father’s dead.”

“Dead, but not forgotten,” said Arianne, who had spent half her life wishing Prince Oberyn had been her father. “You are a Sand Snake, and Prince Doran would pay any price to keep you and your sisters safe from harm.” That made the child smile at least. “Do I have your sworn word? Or must I send you back?”

“I swear.” Elia did not sound happy.

“On your father’s bones.”

“On my father’s bones.”

That vow she will keep, Arianne decided. She kissed her cousin on the cheek and sent her off to sleep.  Perhaps some good would come of her adventure. “I never knew how wild she was till now,” Arianne complained to Daemon Sand, afterward.  “Why would my father inflict her on me?”

“Vengeance?” the knight suggested, with a smile.

They reached Mistwood late on the third day. Ser Daemon sent Joss Hood ahead to scout for them and learn who held the castle presently.  “Twenty men walking the walls, maybe more,” he reported on his return. “Lots of carts and wagons. Heavy laden going in, empty going out. Guards at every gate.”

“Banners?” asked Arianne.

“Gold. On the gatehouse and the keep.”

“What device did they bear?”

“None that I could see, but there was no wind. The banners hung limp from their staffs.”

That was vexing. The Golden Company’s banners were cloth-of-gold, devoid of arms and ornament… but the banners of House Baratheon were also gold, though theirs displayed the crowned stag of Storm’s End. Limp golden banners could be either. “Were there others banners? Silver-grey?”

“All the ones that I saw were gold, princess.”

She nodded. Mistwood was the seat of House Mertyns, whose arms showed a great horned owl, white on grey. If their banners were not flying, likely the talk was true, and the castle had fallen into the hands of Jon Connington and his sellswords. “We must take the risk,” she told her party. Her father’s caution had served Dorne well, she had come to accept that, but this was a time for her uncle’s boldness. “On to the castle.”

“Shall we unfurl your banner?” asked Joss Hood.

“Not as yet,” said Arianne. In most places, it served her well to play the princess, but there were some where it did not.

Half a mile from the castle gates, three men in studded leather jerkins and steel halfhelms stepped out of the trees to block their path. Two of them carried crossbows, wound and notched. The third was armed only with a nasty grin. “And where are you lot bound, my pretties?” he asked.

“To Mistfall, to see your master,” answered Daemon Sand.

“Good answer,” said the grinner. “Come with us.”

Mistfall’s new sellsword masters called themselves Young John Mudd and Chain. Both knights, to hear them tell it. Neither behaved like any knight that Arianne had ever met. Mudd wore brown from head to heel, the same shade as his skin, but a pair of golden coins dangled from his ears. The Mudds had been kings up by the Trident a thousand years ago, she knew, but there was nothing royal about this one. Nor was he particularly young, but it seemed his father had also served in the Golden Company, where he had been known as Old John Mudd.

Chain was half again Mudd’s height, his broad chest crossed by a pair of rusted chains that ran from waist to shoulder. Where Mudd wore sword and dagger, Chain bore no weapon but five feet of iron links, twice as thick and heavy as the ones that crossed his chest. He wielded them like a whip.

They were hard men, brusque and brutal and not well spoken, with scars and weathered faces that spoke of long service in the free companies. “Serjeants,” Ser Daemon whispered when he saw them. “I have known their sort before.”

Once Arianne had made her name and purpose known to them, the two serjeants proved hospitable enough. “You’ll stay the night,” said Mudd. “There’s beds for all of you. In the morning you’ll have fresh horses, and whatever provisions you might need. M’lady’s maester can send a bird to Griffin’s Roost to let them know you’re coming.”

“And who would them be?” asked Arianne. “Lord Connington?”

The sellswords exchanged a look. “The Halfmaester,” said John Mudd. “It’s him you’ll find at the Roost.”

“Griffin’s marching,” said Chain.

“Marching where?” Ser Daemon ask.

“Not for us to say,” said Mudd. “Chain, hold your tongue.”

Chain gave a snort. “She’s Dorne. Why shouldn’t she know? Come down to join us, ain’t she?”

That has yet to be determined, thought Arianne Martell, but she felt it best not to press the matter.

At evenfall a fine supper was served to them in the solar, high in the Tower of Owls, where they were joined by the dowager Lady Mertyns and her maester. Though a captive in her own castle, the old woman seemed spry and cheerful. “My sons and grandsons went off when Lord Renly called his banners,” she told the princess and her party. “I have not seen them since, though from time to time they send a raven. One of my grandsons took a wound at the Blackwater, but he’s since recovered. I expect they will return here soon enough to hang this lot of thieves. ” She waved a duck leg at Mudd and Chain across the table.

“We are no thieves,” said Mudd. “We’re foragers.”

“Did you buy all that food down in the yard?”

“We foraged it,” said Mudd. “The smallfolk can grow more. We serve your rightful king, old crone.” He seemed to be enjoying this. “You should learn to speak more courteous to knights.”

“If you two are knights, I’m still a maiden,” said Lady Mertyns. “And I’ll speak as I please. What will you do, kill me? I have lived too long already.”

Princess Arianne said, “Have you been treated well, my lady?”

“I have not been raped, if that is what you’re asking,” the old woman said. “Some of the serving girls have been less fortunate. Married or unmarried, the men make no distinctions. “

“No one’s been doing any raping,” insisted Young John Mudd. “Connington won’t have that. We follow orders.”

Chain nodded. “Some girls was persuaded, might be.”

“The same way our smallfolk were persuaded to give you all their crops. Melons or maidenheads, it’s all the same to your sort. If you want it, you take it.” Lady Mertyns turned to Arianne. “If you should see this Lord Connington, you tell him that I knew his mother, and she would be ashamed.”

Perhaps I shall, the princess thought.

That night she dispatched her second raven to her father.

Arianne was on her way back to her own chamber when she heard muffled laughter from the adjoining room. She paused and listened for a moment, then pushed the door open to find Elia Sand curled up in a window seat, kissing Feathers. When Feathers saw the princess standing there, he jumped to his feet and began to stammer. Both of them still had their clothes on. Arianne took some small comfort in that as she sent Feathers on his way with a sharp look and a “Go”.   Then she turned to Elia.  “He is twice your age. A serving man. He cleans up birdshit for the maester. Elia, what were you thinking?”

“We were only kissing. I’m not going to marry him.”  Elia crossed her arms defiantly beneath her breasts. “You think I never kissed a boy before?”

“Feathers is a man.  A serving man, but still a man. It did not escape the princess that Elia was the same age she had been when she gave her maidenhead to Daemon Sand.  “I am not your mother. Kiss all the boys you want when we return to Dorne. Here and now, though . . . this is no place for kisses, Elia. Meek and mild and obedient, you said. Must I add chaste to that as well? You swore upon your father’s bones.

“I remember,” said Elia, sounding chastened. “Meek and mild and obedient. I won’t kiss him again.”

The shortest way from Mistwood to Griffin’s Roost was through the green, wet heart of the rainwood, slow going at the best of times. It took Arianne and her company the better part of eight days. They travelled to the music of steady, lashing rains beating at the treetops up above, though underneath the green great canopy of leaves and branches she and her riders stayed surprisingly dry. Chain accompanied them for the first four days of their journey north, with a line of wagons and ten men of his own. Away from Mudd he proved more forthcoming, and Arianne was able to charm his life story out of him. His proudest boast was of a great grandsire who had fought with the Black Dragon on the Redgrass Field, and crossed the narrow sea with Bittersteel. Chain himself had been born into the company, fathered on a camp follower by his sellsword father. Though he had been raised to speak the Common Tongue and think of himself as Westerosi, he had never set foot in any part of the Seven Kingdoms till now.

A sad tale, and a familiar one, Arianne thought. His life was all of a piece, a long list of places where he’d fought, foes he’d faced and slain, wounds he’d taken. The princess let him talk, from time to time prompting him with a laugh, a touch, or a question, pretending to be fascinated. She learned more than she would ever need to know about Mudd’s skill with dice, Two Swords and his fondness for red-haired women, the time someone made off with Harry Strickland’s favorite elephant, Little Pussy and his lucky cat, and the other feats and foibles of the men and officers of the Golden Company. But on the fourth day, in an unguarded moment, Chain let slip a ” … once we have Storm’s End . . .

“The princess let that aside go without comment, though it gave her considerable pause. Storm’s End. This griffin is a bold one, it would seem. Or else a fool. The seat of House Baratheon for three centuries, of the ancient Storm Kings for thousands of years before that, Storm’s End was said by some to be impregnable. Arianne had heard men argue about which was the strongest castle in the realm. Some said Casterly Rock, some the Eyrie of the Arryns, some Winterfell in the frozen north, but Storm’s End was always mentioned too. Legend said it was raised by Brandon the Builder to withstand the fury of a vengeful god. Its curtain walls were the highest and strongest in all the Seven Kingdoms, forty to eighty feet in thickness. Its mighty windowless drum tower stood less than half as tall as the Hightower of Oldtown, but rose straight up in place of being stepped, with walls thrice as thick as those to be found in Oldtown. No siege tower was tall enough to reach Storm’s End battlements; neither mangonel nor trebuchet could hope to breech its massive walls. Does Connington think to mount a siege? She wondered. How many men can he have? Long before the castle fell, the Lannisters would dispatch an army to break any such siege. That way is hopeless too.

That night when she told Ser Daemon what Chain had said, the Bastard of Godsgrace seemed as perplexed as she was. “Storm’s End was still held by men loyal to Lord Stannis when last I heard. You would think Connington might do better to make common cause with another rebel, rather than making war upon him too.”

“Stannis is too far away to be of help to him,” Arianne mused.  “Capturing a few minor castles whilst their lords and garrisons are off at distant wars, that’s one thing, but if Lord Connington and his pet dragon can somehow take one of the great strongholds of the realm … “

“…the realm would have to take them seriously,” Ser Daemon finished. “And some of those who do not love the Lannisters might well come flocking to their banners.”

That night Arianne penned another short note to her father and had Feathers send it on its way with her third raven.

Young John Mudd has been sending out birds as well, it seemed. Near dusk on the fourth day, not long after Chain and his wagons had taken their leave of them, Arianne’s company was met by a column of sellswords down from Griffin’s Roost, led by the most exotic creature that the princess had ever laid her eyes on, with painted fingernails and gemstones sparkling in his ears.

Lysono Maar spoke the Common Tongue very well. “I have the honor to be the eyes and ears of the Golden Company, princess.”

“You look… ” She hesitated.

“…like a woman?” He laughed. “That I am not.”

“ …like a Targaryen,” Arianne insisted. His eyes were a pale lilac, his hair a waterfall of white and gold. All the same, something about him made her skin crawl. Was this what Viserys looked like? she found herself wondering. If so perhaps it is a good thing he is dead.  

“I am flattered. The women of House Targaryen are said to be without peer in all the world.”

“And the men of House Targaryen?”

“Oh, even prettier. Though if truth be told, I have only seen the one.”  Maar took her hand in his own, and kissed her lightly on the wrist.  “Mistwood sent word of your coming, sweet princess. We will be honored to escort you to the Roost, but I fear you have missed Lord Connington and our young prince.”

“Off at war?” Off to Storm’s End?  

“Just so.”

The Lyseni was a very different sort of man than Chain. This one will let nothing slip, she realized, after a scant few hours in his company. Maar was glib enough, but he had perfected the art of talking a great deal whilst saying nothing. As for the riders who had come with him, they might as well have been mutes for all that her own men were able to get out of them.

Arianne decided to confront him openly. On the evening of their fifth day out of Mistwood, as they made camp beside the tumbled ruins of an old tower overgrown by vines and moss, she settled down beside him and said,  “Is it true that you have elephants with you?”

“A few,” said Lysono Maar, with a smile and a shrug.

“And dragons? How many dragons do you have?”


“By which you mean the boy.”

“Prince Aegon is a man grown, princess.”

“Can he fly? Breathe fire?”

The Lyseni laughed, but his lilac eyes stayed cold.

“Do you play cyvasse, my lord?” asked Arianne.  “My father has been teaching me. I am not very skilled, I must confess, but I do know that the dragon is stronger than the elephant.”

“The Golden Company was founded by a dragon.”

“Bittersteel was half-dragon, and all bastard. I am no maester, but I know some history. You are still sellswords.”

“If it please you, princess,” he said, all silken courtesy. “We prefer to call ourselves a free brotherhood of exiles.”

“As you will. As free brothers go, your company stands well above the rest, I grant you. Yet the Golden Company has been defeated every time it has crossed into Westeros. They lost when Bittersteel commanded them, they failed the Blackfyre Pretenders, they faltered when Maelys the Monstrous led them.

That seemed to amuse him. “We are at least persistent, you must admit. And some of those defeats were near things.”

“Some were not. And those who die near things are no less dead than those who die in routs. Prince Doran my father is a wise man, and fights only wars that he can win. If the tide of war turns against your dragon, the Golden Company will no doubt flee back across the narrow sea, as it has done before. As Lord Connington himself did, after Robert defeated him at the Battle of the Bells. Dorne has no such refuge. Why should we lend our swords and spears to your uncertain cause?”

“Prince Aegon is of your own blood, princess. Son of Prince Rhaegar Targaryen and Elia of Dorne, your father’s sister.”

“Daenerys Targaryen is of our blood as well. Daughter of King Aerys, Rhaegar’s sister. And she has dragons, or so the tales would have us believe.” Fire and blood. “Where is she?”

“Half a world away on Slaver’s Bay,” said Lysono Maar. “As for these purported dragons, I have not seen them. In cyvasse, it is true, the dragon is mightier than the elephant. On the battlefield, give me elephants I can see and touch and send against my foes, not dragons made of words and wishes.”

The princess lapsed into a thoughtful silence. And that night she dispatched her fourth raven to her father.

And finally Griffin’s Roost emerged from the sea mists, on a grey wet day as the rain fell thin and cold. Lysono Maar raised a hand, a trumpet blast echoed off the crags, and the castle’s gates yawned open before them. The rain-soaked flag that hung above the gatehouse was white and red, the princess saw, the colors of House Connington, but the golden banners of the company were in evidence as well. They rode in double column across the ridge known as the griffin’s throat, with the waters of Shipbreaker Bay growling off the rocks to either side.

Within the castle proper, a dozen of the officers of the Golden Company had assembled to welcome the Dornish princess. One by one they took a knee before her and pressed their lips against the back of her hand, as Lysono Maar offered introductions. Most of the names fled her head almost as soon as she had heard them.

Chief amongst them was an older man with a lean, lined, clean-shaved face, who wore his long hair pulled back into a knot. This one is no fighter, Arianne sensed. The Lyseni confirmed her judgment when he introduced the man as Haldon Halfmaester.

“We have rooms prepared for you and yours, princess,” this Halden said, when the introductions finally ran their course. “I trust that they will suit. I know you seek Lord Connington, and he desires words with you as well, most urgently. If it please you, on the morrow there will be a ship to take you to him.”

“Where?” demanded Arianne.

“Has no one told you?”   Halden Halfmaester favored her with a smile thin and hard as a dagger cut. “Storm’s End is ours. The Hand awaits you there.”

Daemon Sand stepped up beside her. “Shipbreaker Bay can be perilous even on a fair summer’s day. The safer way to Storm’s End is overland.”

“These rains have turned the roads to mud. The journey would take two days, perhaps three,” said Halden Halfmaester.  A ship will have the princess there in half a day or less. There is an army descending on Storm’s End from King’s Landing. You will want to be safe inside the walls before the battle.”

Will we? Wondered Arianne. “Battle? Or siege?” She did not intend to let herself be trapped inside Storm’s End.

“Battle,” Halden said firmly. “Prince Aegon means to smash his enemies in the field.”

Arianne exchanged a look with Daemon Sand. “Will you be so good as to show us to our rooms? I would like to refresh myself, and change into dry clothes.”

Halden bowed. “At once.”

Her company had been housed in the east tower, where the lancet windows overlooked Shipbreaker Bay.  “Your brother is not at Storm’s End, we know that now,” Ser Daemon said, as soon as they were behind closed doors.  “If Daenerys Targaryen has dragons, they are half a world away, and of no use to Dorne. There is nothing for us at Storm’s End, princess. If Prince Doran meant to send you into the middle of a battle, he would have given you three hundred knights, not three.”

Do not be so certain of that, ser. He sent my brother off to Slaver’s Bay with five knights and a maester.   “I need to speak with Connington.”   Arianne undid the interlocked sun and spear that clasped her cloak, and let the rain-soaked garment slip from her shoulders to puddle on the floor. “And I want to see this dragon prince of his. If he is truly Elia’s son…”

“Whoever’s son he is, if Connington challenges Mace Tyrell in open battle he may soon be a captive, or a corpse.”

“Tyrell is not a man to fear. My uncle Oberyn– “

” –is dead, princess. And ten thousand men is equal to the whole strength of the Golden Company.”

“Lord Connington knows his own strength, surely. If he means to risk battle, he must believe that he can win it.”

“And how many men have died in battles they believed that they could win?”  Ser Daemon asked her.  “Refuse them, princess. I mistrust these sellswords. Do not go to Storm’s End.”

What makes to believe they will allow me that choice? She had had the uneasy feeling that Haldon Halfmaester and Lysono Maar were going to put her on that ship come morning whether she willed it or no. Better not to test them. “Ser Daemon, you squired for my uncle Oberyn,” she said. “If you were with him now, would you be counseling him to refuse as well?” She did not wait for him to respond. “I know the answer. And if you are about to remind me that I am no Red Viper, I know that too. But Prince Oberyn is dead, Prince Doran is old and ill, and I am the heir to Dorne.”

“And that is why you should not put yourself at risk.” Daemon Sand went to one knee. “Send me to Storm’s End in your stead. Then if the griffin’s plans should go awry and Mace Tyrell takes the castle back, I will be just another landless knight who swore his sword to this pretender in hopes of gain and glory.”

Whereas if I am taken, the Iron Throne will take that for proof that Dorne conspired with these sellswords, and lent aid to their invasion. “It is brave for you to seek to shield me, ser. I thank you for that.” She took his hands and drew him back to his feet. “But my father entrusted this task to me, not you. Come the morrow, I sail to beard the dragon in its den.”

Atualizações, Filmes, Livros

“Rebellion”, quarto livro de The 100 ganha data de lançamento

Depois dos 3 livros que inspiraram o canal CW a criar a série de TV The 100, Kass Morgan trás até nós mais um livro para a saga.

Com o titulo “Rebellion” (Rebelião em tradução livre), este quarto livro mostra Bellamy e Clarke em desacordo quanto à forma de salvar os seus amigos capturados, Wells, Octavia e Glass.

Segundo o site Entertainment Weekly deve ser lançado em 06 de dezembro de 2016 nas livrarias americanas, e um box com todos os quatros livros já estará disponível no dia 03 de janeiro de 2017.

Confira abaixo a sinopse oficial de “Rebellion”:

Séculos depois da guerra nuclear ter destruído o nosso planeta, a humanidade se esforça para se reconstruir. Faz um mês desde que o povo da Colônia desembarcou e os colonos se juntaram aos cem no chão. Os adolescentes, uma vez que foram jovens delinquentes, agora são líderes entre o seu povo.

Os colonos e os terráqueos estão comemorando seu primeiro feriado juntos, quando, para horror de todos, eles são atacados por um grupo estanho cujos gritos de guerra incomum enchem o ar. Os recém-chegados matam dezenas de pessoas, fazem prisioneiros e saqueiam suprimentos cruciais. Quando o cabeça quente Bellamy e sua namorada analítica Clarke descobrem que Wells, Octavia e Glass foram capturados, eles prometem recuperá-los a todo custo. Mas a medida que avançam a seus inimigos, Bellamy e Clarke se encontram cada vez mais em desacordo, incapaz de chegar a um acordo sobre um plano para salvar seus amigos.

Enquanto isso, Wells, Octavia e Glass estão tendo lentamente uma lavagem cerebral por seus raptores, fanáticos religiosos que tem um objetivo: aumentar o seu povo e “curar” o planeta devastado pela guerra… eliminando todos os outros sobre ele.

Mas séculos de exposição à radiação têm mudado as suas vítimas, forçando o culto a tomar medidas drásticas para sobreviver. E a menos que o grupo de resgate chegue em breve, os adolescente irão enfrentar o destino mais terrível do que qualquer coisa que eles poderiam imaginar. Neste quarto livro emocionante, os cem lutam para proteger as pessoas que amam sobre o perigoso planeta que sempre sonharam em chamar de casa.

A Editora Galera Record responsável pela publicação dos livros anteriores no Brasil (The 100, Dia 21 e De Volta) ainda não se pronunciou sobre o lançamento de “Rebellion”.

Atualmente a série de TV baseada em The 100 está a caminho da sua 4º temporada que foi oficialmente confirmada pela CW no dia 11 de Março de 2016, junto com outras 10 séries do canal.

As gravações da temporada devem iniciar no meio de 2016, e serem concluídas no início de 2017.

Se você ainda não conhece a série de TV pode conferir o trailer da sua 1º temporada abaixo: